Happy Valentine's Day. My friend Steve and I have been moving slowly but inexorably towards riding the Adventure Cycling Association (ACA) Transamerican Trail for several months now. Some of the things we've done:
1. Bought a 2017 Trek 520
2. Bought full set of maps from ACA (essential!)
3. Read several travelogues Crazy Guy on a Bike site
4. Attended strength and spin classes at the local YMCA 3-4 times a week
5. Settled on a direction for the trip-east to west. This allows us to start earlier.
6. Settled on a start date. April 14, 2018. The day after Thomas Jefferson's birthday as it turns out. We'll ride by his place in the first days of the trip! If we average 50 miles a day, we should finish in the first week of July!7.
7. Generated a set of notes about the route from the stuff we've read. Steve is the lead on this. I think every Starbuck's has been located.
There's lots more we've done and lots more to do. I must say the prospect of trading the drone of dysfunctional politics; voyeuristic and sensationalized social media; and, existential anxiety for the elemental concerns of where to sleep; what to eat sounds good. Everything I've read suggests that other travelers on this route have been as awed by the many wonderful people they've encountered as by the scenery. We all long for that connectedness don't we? More to come!