I've totaled up my round trips to work so far and figure I've made at least 12 roundtrips. At about 25 mile per round trip that's 300 miles! Given the price of gasoline (it was 2.99/gallon at the local cheap station tonight), and the gas economy of my '94 Nissan (about 30 miles/gallon highway) that's $30.00 saved so far. I need 100 round trips to break even on the cost of the bike.
I got rained on for the first time on the way home last night. It was also the first test of my new Blackburn Mars 3.0 Taillight. This thing is really painfully bright!
I have one of these tail lights also! There are multiple settings. Have not ridden in the dark to test it yet.
Mine hopped off the back of my bike in the dark. I hoped I could find it by the side of the road still blinking but I didn't ever find it.
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