So we camped at the Troutville City Park. This was our spot. The tents are already hanging up to dry the light dew on them. Nobody ever asked us what we were doing camped there. Weird right? We meant to camp again but didn’t quite make it. My notes about the ride explain the there are two ridges of mountains with a valley in-between. The valley isn’t flat, it undulates (like that word!). Anyway we did the undulating today, all day. It was rural and beautiful. Green rolling pastures dotted with cows; sheep or horses. Bordered by rocky forested hills.
We actually racked up as much elevation gain (4500’) as two days ago albeit over more distance. We’re gradually gaining altitude. We’re at about 2200’ tonight. We’ll top out at 3700’ in two days. This is the second ridge of mountains.
So the altitude garbage is my round about way of letting on that we were bleary-eyed by the end of the day. As we turned off the TA route we still had to ride three miles to the state park. It was almost dark again, although we already ate an early dinner at the Kroger when we stopped. A vision appeared! A mom and pop motel that believed that I’m an AARP member although I don’t have a card! A room cost $20 more than a camp site that we would still have to ride almost three miles to get to. In AT (Appalachian Trail) parlance this is Trail Magic! More magic tomorrow for sure.
Wisdom for the coming week:
Don’t push the river-Barry Stevens
Don’t force it-Red Moeller
Nice wisdom "Don’t force it"
Sounds a little like Stride On! (Ride On?)
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