Saturday, June 16, 2018

Day #62 Powell to Lowell, ID 65 miles 

We followed the Lochsa River 65 miles downstream in the rain today. This ranks as one of my more memorable bike rides ever!  This river is wild and beautiful.  It forms the boundary of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area.  Magnificent Red Cedars; firs; and other conifers grew along the opposite shore.  For much of the route the river and road were all that was between steep hills on both sides.  The rain kept me from taking pictures.

We stopped at a historic ranger station now operated by volunteers. Mike, one of the volunteers, told us we were in the largest tract of wilderness in the lower 48!  The only signs of civilization were rafters and kayakers.  

The route from Lolo Pass to Lowell and beyond has a rich history.  First it’s the route Louis and Clark took.  They befriended the Nez Perce who gave them provisions.  Later the route was part of the historic retreat the Nez Perce made from pursuing soldiers.  The route, US 12, wasn’t completed until 1962.  This is the same roadway that traverses the dunes just a mile from my house!

We’re staying at a cheap motel in Lowell trying to dry everything out.  I took a moment to figure how many miles we have left and came up with 841miles. It’s truly hard to believe how far we’ve come!


Jeffrey Levandoski said...

That had to be so beautiful.
Nice day for fenders.

Unknown said...

You are zeroing in on Oregon..... even in the rain it looks magnificent. Are you amazed at where you are?

Tom said...

Yes I am. Hard to comprehend!

Tom said...

Yes indeed. All day drizzle!

Cabinnyc said...

A reward for all that elevation you conquered! Really beautiful! Enjoy those last 800+ miles! Wonderful trip!

Tom said...

Thanks Curtis!

Unknown said...

I have a detailed map of the United States on my dining room table that I use to follow you and Steve. Every time I look at it, I am also amazed how far you have traveled! Just think of the beautiful sights you have seen, including this scene!