One of the great things about traveling this route is meeting other bikers and coming in contact with the wonderful souls who don’t bike but provide services like the hostel in Ash Grove we’re staying at tonight. When we started out this morning we were headed for Walnut Grove, nine miles closer. Our friend Jules is a couple days ahead of us on the route. He’s like the advance team scouting grocery stores; camp sites; and hostels for us. He told us we ought to go to Ash Grove. He’d stayed there a couple of days ago. After riding the first 30 miles fairly easily the idea that we’d go the extra miles started to seem reasonable. Of course the rest of the days mileage was not that easy. Short steep hills and another day unusually warm weather made for a challenging afternoon. When we got here Mike and Wendy, volunteer hosts of the hostel, Barham House, showed us around; told us where the grocery was located; and left. Instead of camping tonight we’re inside. We missed this, taken outside the front door. Thanks Jules! Thanks Mike and Wendy!

Oh Mike tells us that there are only 21 more miles of hills and then flat! Today we sample Cooky’s famous pies and enter Kansas!
Trivia: Ash Grove is known as the location of the Nathan Boone homestead, Daniel Boone’s son!
So far:
1460.5 TA miles
29 days
50+ miles/day
Amazing stats Tom. Is that on average what you were shooting for?
You will fly through Kansas.
That was what I told people before I knew what we were in for, so I’m pleased. We probably want to get a couple days ahead though. Definitely want to take a day off at Yellowstone for example.
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