The skyscrapers of western Kansas aren’t buildings, they’re grain elevators!
Be patient with me. My access to reliable cell or WiFi is very limited! Those guys who say their coverage is 95% of the US, not my plan!
This motley crew all wound up at the city park. From the left that’s Richard; Steve; me; Mike; Nick; and Richardo. We first encountered Richard; Mike; and, Nick when we saw them duck into a donut shop just outside Newton. We later saw them on the road. They’d completed the Transamerica Trail from Yorktown to Newton a year ago ; and now they were setting off to complete the trail this year. Richardo is traveling east from California and ran into the three as they were returning from dinner. Richardo’s trip won’t end until he returns to his hometown outside Bogata, Columbia!
Yes indeed they are!!!! Be grateful lots and lots of baked goods come out of those elevators... eventually lol
There's more than corn in Kansas
Rock Chalk Jayhawk
I have to say this to Mike Stiles.... Tom that is so cool running into people. Instant bikers brotherhood.
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