Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Day #30-Ash Grove, MO to Pittsburg, KS 71 miles

Went to Cooky’s for pie, a TransAm tradition. Steve wasn’t too thrilled about the menu but admitted the pie was good.  If today’s ride was a movie it might be called No Country for Old Veggie-tarrians.  Cows everywhere.  They all seem to stop what they’re doing and gaze at me as I ride by.  Some even take a few steps in my direction to get a better look.  Dogs want to eat me;  horses are indifferent; but cows just seem curious. 

Cows; big views; big farms; corn; wheat; everything green and alive for today’s ride.  Hardly a hill to be found.  Overcast skies and light winds.  Pretty awesome. 

We rode to a bike shop in Pittsburg to get Steve’s bike looked at again.  This guy says the front derailleur was mounted too low and adjusted. It.  So far so good.  Steve misses Jeffrey at Buck’s!

Camping at a city owned RV Park.  Welcome to Kansas, state number five.  Tomorrow we begin map 8 in our count down.  


Cabinnyc said...

Wow! That’s a big mileage day! I’m guessing you’re relieved to have Mo. behind you...

Tom said...

In a word-yes! If we can sneak through Kansas without severe weather would be nice!

Unknown said...

Good luck with that one Tom.....but would sure be nice for you and for us!!! As we say keep your eye to the sky

Jeffrey Levandoski said...

I want a bite of that pie. Is it Blueberry?

Tom said...

Yes it is. Passed on the ice cream.

Cabinnyc said...

Just click your heels together three times....