Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Day #9-Wytheville to Troutdale, VA 34 miles


The elevation profile sums up the next two days in a nutshell.  We’re going right to left.  It’s still raining; the temperatures are in the 50's; but, we had a tail wind! Highlight of the day was a stop at the Dutch Pantry to warm up and buy a few things to eat. 

The view from the Troutdale Baptist Church hostel in Troutdale, VA.  

It’s a wonderful hostel that caters to AT hikers as well as bikers.  It consists of two rooms, each of which has two bunk beds; micro wave; coffee maker; and heat! There is a shower in a back room at the church just down the hill.  We were relieved to get somewhere dry as it was a wet cold ride today. 

Three AT hikers arrived to occupy the other room.  When you hike the AT you end up with a trail name.  These three were Bacon; Webster; and Sprout!  The caretaker told us "The rain drives 'em (AT hikers) out of the woods!"  They were wet!  Bacon had developed shin splints and was going to lay over a second day to let them heal.  

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