Friday, June 08, 2018

Day #53-Debois to Grand Teton NP (Colter Bay CG) 66 miles

It’s impossible for me to describe my reaction to this sight! Wow! doesn’t quite do it.  These are the Tetons, our reward for a moderately tough climb over Togwotee Pass.  I met a woman at the pass who’s from Clear Lake City, Texas, where my parents lived.  Small world stuff.

Plenty of snow still covering the ground in spite of a warm spring.  Campgrounds are open that normally don’t open for another week or more. 

We camped at Colter Bay in the park.  It’s the first time we’ve had to contend with food storage protocols when in bear country.  It’s also our first real encounter with mosquitoes!  

Quick update while I’ve got internet.  I’m still in contact with some of the folks we’ve encountered along the way.  Phil, for example, texted a 138 mile day he rode across Utah!  The guy is amazing!

Incidently Grand Teton NP came into being because John D. Rockefeller bought up the land and then donated it for a park.  Think about this for a moment!


Unknown said...

Beautiful Tetons! Thank you, John D. Rockefeller!

Cabinnyc said...

I have to take a drive north and see these!!!.....But that’ll be in a car, not a bike, I think.
Fabulous pic Tom!! -Curtis

Unknown said...

The Tetons are some of the steepest skiing I have done. Where was the World Jamboree Tom??? Don’t we have a beautiful country? Any clue about Missoula???

Unknown said...

Great pic and adventure
Stay away bears and mosquitoes.

Tom said...

Missoula on Friday! May take an extra day there?

Tom said...

World Jamboree was in Idaho.