Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Day #66-Cambridge, ID to Richland, OR 68 miles

We said our good byes to the other cyclists at the RV campground and headed towards Oregon.  The weather promised to be sunny and warm.  We followed the Snake River, which is dammed in three places, creating huge reservoirs.  Further down stream is Hell’s Canyon.  We had three climbs today in the hot weather and no shade.  

We’re at another RV park camping tonight. These places are nothing like I’d imagined them.  They’re clean and they’re cheap.  Tonight for example we each spent $6.00 to camp, with showers and a laundry!


Unknown said...

So PST? Last state last time Zone. .continual changing but beautiful scenery in its own right.

Unknown said...

I am guessing the snake river will be a constant companion

Unknown said...

Congratulations on crossing into your last state! How exciting! How amazing! Take it to the Pacific!