Thursday, June 28, 2018

Day #74-Eugene to Corvallis, OR 38 miles

We found out that the Willamette Valley is the "grass seed capital of the world" by riding through huge acreage of the stuff. They also must be big into honey judging from the fields of clover! 

This was an easy ride.  Flat open farm land.  The challenge was finding a place to spend the night.  We were set to pay for a motel but balked at the rate.  Then we met Stephen from England who told us a motel in Monmouth, a bit further up the road, had a good rate.  We were set to go there instead of staying in Corvallis but when I called the motel the rate was almost twice as much!  The person said it was summer so the price was higher.  Anyway we bumped into a Days Inn with better rates and took it.  I sprang a leak in my air mattress that I wanted to try and fix it which made a motel a consideration in the first place.  I won’t miss the daily anxiety around where we’ll be every night when we’re done!

By the way the Oregon State Beavers won the NCAA Baseball championship today.  Oregon State is in Corvallis!

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