Saturday, May 12, 2018

Day #27-Ellington to Summersville, MO 47 miles

Looking at the jagged elevation profile for today’s route,  today looked like the most challenging.  It was a beautiful route ridden entirely on Missouri 106 which wound through Ozark National Scenic Riverways Park. To give you a little feel for the steepness of the hills I’ll share that I set a new personal record for top descent speed, 38 MPH! I probably could have gone faster but I started riding the brakes!

We thought we were camping but the local police chief, who I was supposed to call about camping,  didn’t know anything about it.  Luckily there’s a little motel,  the Rusty Gate Inn,  right on the route.  It’s literally the only place in town!  Oh and the police chief bought us Gatorade!  We must have looked parched!


Cabinnyc said...

I’m curious Tom..are you using any GPS device on your trip?.....That downhill at 38mph on a loaded bike sounds a bit harrowing....

Unknown said...

Very nice of the Police Chief.

Tom said...

Yes a Garmin Touring I bought refurbished. Bought maps for TA route from Adventure Cycling. Proved to be handy.